Saturday, June 11, 2011

What if...

This morning was entirely conducive to reading my Bible, praying, and journaling.  I am an early riser [very early!] and always feel cheated if I sleep past 5:00.  I so rely on that time of quiet...but I wonder...

What if my life as a Christian were lived in the midst of real persecution; bombings, hunger, thirst, and filth due to lack of water?  What if the only Bible I had access to was the Scripture submitted to memory?  What if the only "quiet" time I had was found huddled in a dark corner where bombs and bullets had not yet found me?  Would I praise Him?  Would I seek His face?  Would I trust and hope in Him?

This morning I looked out over a lush green meadow bathed in a soft, thirst-quenching fog with not so much as a whispering breeze to stir the blooms.  I am grateful for what I have, but pray I would not rely on my physical surroundings to create in me a spirit of worship to my Heavenly Father.